“There is, incidently. no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person" -- Dan Greening
About Us
Shachats is a small cattery breeding in our own home and our kittens are raised underfoot and amongst our family and other pets.
We fell in love with the breed in 2011 and acquired our first Maine Coon, Kjempecoons Quicksilver (Ari) from Marielle Boxem at Kjempecoons as a pet and to try our hand at showing - which I really enjoyed. Ari was the most amazing and delightful red silver mackerel tabby. Two years later after much planning and dreaming (and a double transplant for me just to make life interesting) I began my dream of breeding this wonderful animal.
We are so proud of our breeding lines. Our foundation queen Kjempecoons Matilda McCoon is a beautiful tortie tabby, now retired and living with us. We have since added silver, tortie, cream, red, pure white, and black and white to our colour range and our Maine Coons come in many shades!. We imported our first stud boy from Phyllis Stiebens of Kumskaka/Behold Maine Coons in Georgia, USA. Elan was a cream F3 foundation stud boy and sired many healthy kittens bringing new bloodlines into our programme He has since retired and our current stud boy is a pure white, blue eyed stunner whose mother was our Kira and his sire was Santa MartaTatsuki (imp Spain) owned by Cheryl Williams Harris of Kodiakcoons.
Our goal is to breed healthy beautiful Maine Coons, producing cats with great temperaments who will bond strongly with their owners, be well socialised, with personality plus and possess the best qualities of this outstanding cat breed. we breed with foundation, imported and show lines to combine the strength, beauty and health of the breed.
We are registered with Catz Inc and are a member of the Auckland Cat Club. We test for HCM and our breeding and retired breeding cats have their hearts scanned regularly. We breed from lines free from hip dysplasia and monitor our cats and retired breeders well into their senior years.